Mobile Apps
Your highly qualified iOS / Androidapp agency from Germany.
Our experienced developers and designers attach great importance to a user-oriented design (usability / UI) and a unique user experience (UX), but this is not enough, it is also important that the APP is high-performance and scalable. Only then can a mobile app convince your customers or users today.
A native APP development in programming languages such as Swift, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin is only half the battle. It is also important to have a lot of background knowledge about databases, cloud / video hosting, APP backend development and much more. to have. Because what does an app bring you that suddenly becomes viral , but can no longer be started because the servers / databases that were used are overloaded?
Whether a new development or further development of your APP is pending, you can now benefit from our expertise. We can support you in developing a large community app for 100+ million users or a small restaurant app.
Too many technical terms? We can do it differently. Contact us without obligation and free of charge and we will explain everything in a calm and understandable manner.
What does Swift,
Objective-C, Java, Kotlin mean?
These are programming languages that are required to develop the app. Swift or Objective-C is used for the operating system iOS (Apple IPhones, iPads, Watches etc) and for Android: Java, alternatively Kotlin can also be used.
Technologies that reach all of your users

Native iOS / Android APP or CROSS-PLATFORM APPs?
The term native comes from the English and means "mother tongue" in this context. This means that the APP is programmed in the "mother programming language", e.g. for iPhones (iOS operating system) Objective-C or Swift and for Android Java. People who speak in their mother tongue understand each other best, the same applies to APP development. So the app is not technically limited. The alternative to this are so-called cross-platform apps, which are APPs that are developed with so-called frameworks. As an example here, if you are going to Portugal on vacation, hardly anyone there will understand you in German, you use the English language accordingly, but this can sometimes lead to misunderstanding. It is similar with the APP. Respectively. a cross-platform APP is restricted with certain functionalities. E.g. it is not suitable to develop video apps or game apps with cross-platform apps. The advantage of a cross-platform app, however, is that programming only has to be done once, the so-called framework then automatically exports an Android and iOS app directly. With the native development you have to develop an Andorid and iOS app.
The alternative to this are so-called cross-platform apps, which are APPs that are developed with so-called frameworks. As an example here, if you are going to Portugal on vacation, hardly anyone there will understand you in German, you use the English language accordingly, but this can sometimes lead to misunderstanding. It is similar with the APP. Respectively. a cross-platform APP is restricted with certain functionalities. E.g. it is not suitable to develop video apps or game apps with cross-platform apps. The advantage of a cross-platform app, however, is that programming only has to be done once, the so-called framework then automatically exports an Android and iOS app directly. With the native development you have to develop an Andorid and iOS app.

What does usability / UI / UX mean?
Usability, usability, could be seen as an umbrella term for UI / UX design.
UI — User Interface.
This is the surface that enables humans to control the machine. In our case, the app. So e.g. when TAP on the registration button, the data is sent to the server. But that's just the functionality. Rather, UI design is about the design or placement of the button. E.g. it is important that fields, buttons and co. are designed so that the user of the app can easily control them and in the best case even have fun using these elements.
UX - User Experience.
Is already part of UI design, since the arrangement of buttons and form fields is already crucial for a good user experience. User experience counts e.g. the swipe / prank function on Instagram that activates the camera or the smallest but one of the most important user experiences is e.g. a loading bar when you register or upload an image. In a broad sense, it is about the user feeling “fun & joy” when using the APP at best. UX design is the be-all and end-all when it comes to APP development, since the user can use apps such as Facebook, Instagram and co. has already got used to a high-quality user experience and as soon as an APP does not convey a similar experience, this has a negative effect.
Let's realize your project now
Let us talk without obligation
/make ventures GmbH in Mediapark, Cologne
General information according to § 5 TMG
/make ventures GmbH
Im MediaPark 5b
50670 Köln
fon: +49 221 6778-4070
Amtsgericht Köln HRB 87278
Designed and developed by the /make team. Original "Diamond" animation proudy provided by Gleb Kuznetsov. Please check out his dribbble.